Writing Resources

How to Write a Powerful Inciting Incident

How to Write a Powerful Inciting Incident

As cliché as starting with a definition is, understanding how we define inciting incident could bring some “insight” into how to “incite” your story’s main conflict. When speaking of narrative structures, a helpful place to start would be with the author of The Hero With a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell. Campbell presented his ideas of narrative flow and story structure by formulating the “Hero’s Journey,” a collection of archetypal events he observed in a multitude of stories.

Need a Villain Protagonist? Here’s 5 Easy Writing Hacks

Need a Villain Protagonist? Here’s 5 Easy Writing Hacks

A Villain Protagonist can give way to extremely dynamic stories and intriguing character work. So how do you do it? We'll give you five hacks to help you on your way to villainy.

The 5 Complete Types of External Conflict

The 5 Complete Types of External Conflict

Looking to include some juicy external conflict in your story? Here are the 5 different types to add variation and flavor to your story.

7 Hacks For Writing Better Internal Conflict

7 Hacks For Writing Better Internal Conflict

The 19 Fascinating Types of Conflict

The 19 Fascinating Types of Conflict

Stories begin and end with conflict. Here we will analyze the 19 types of conflict that will help you craft your story and add deep and interesting antagonism, obstacles, and challenges.

Sanderson’s Laws and How Best to Use Them

Sanderson’s Laws and How Best to Use Them

Learn how to apply Best-selling author Brandon Sanderson's Laws of Magic. These laws explain key knowledge that he has learned about developing magic systems and fitting them into stories in compelling ways.

7 Steps to Building Enchanting Magic Systems

7 Steps to Building Enchanting Magic Systems

You know that magic systems don't come from, well, magic. It takes more than mystical incantations to develop something truly mystifying. These 7 steps will help make your magic system truly fantastic.

The Subtle Difference Between Hard Magic vs Soft Magic

The Subtle Difference Between Hard Magic vs Soft Magic

Hard magic vs soft magic: Which one to use, what is the difference, and why does it matter for the story you're telling? To define your magic and make it uniq...

7 Unique Magic System Ideas to Bring Your Story to its Full Potential

7 Unique Magic System Ideas to Bring Your Story to its Full Potential

Looking to create an amazing magic system? Here is a list of seven magic system ideas to help you develop awesome magic that will serve your story. along with brainstorming questions to help your creativity bloom.