Thinking of magic in terms of types of magic users can greatly improve your worldbuilding. This article discusses three ways to distinguish magic: competency, race, and magic type.
Learn how to apply Best-selling author Brandon Sanderson's Laws of Magic. These laws explain key knowledge that he has learned about developing magic systems and fitting them into stories in compelling ways.
You know that magic systems don't come from, well, magic. It takes more than mystical incantations to develop something truly mystifying. These 7 steps will help make your magic system truly fantastic.
Hard magic vs soft magic: Which one to use, what is the difference, and why does it matter for the story you're telling? To define your magic and make it uniq...
Looking to create an amazing magic system? Here is a list of seven magic system ideas to help you develop awesome magic that will serve your story. along with brainstorming questions to help your creativity bloom.